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  • Will teachers and children 2 and over be required to wear masks?
    After conversations with the CDC, many meetings with Directors of schools like ours, with Quality Care for Children and GAEYC, it is highly recommend masks for adults indoors. We do not require children to wear masks. Given the Covid-19 community levels in Dekalb County are continually subject to change (see here), wearing a mask indoors is highly recommended, however required mask mandates are depend upon current CDC recommendations. It is required that all OPP & OPC employees are fully vaccinated and boosted. Employees who are not fully vaccinated and boosted will continue to wear a mask in addition to those that choose to wear a mask for personal or other reasons. Students will not be required to wear masks unless a child is able to keep a mask on without touching it. If Covid-19 community levels rise to HIGH (red), as tracked by the CDC, we will return to requiring that all teachers wear masks indoors. (*Change in mask mandate effective August 2022; Subject to change) If children choose to, you may find masks children can wear well that keep them more comfortable without it touching their mouth: Increased outdoor learning will occur for these reasons.
  • Is the school considering new evidence of each variant that comes to light, including the fact that asymptomatic carriers are unlikely to spread the virus? Also whether or not children are likely or unlikely to fall ill or be carriers themselves?
    Yes, we are constantly monitoring the data and new statistics being released by the CDC, DECAL, the NIH, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. As necessary, Director Beverly Moon participates in calls with the Georgia Department of Public Health, Preschool & School Directors in Atlanta, and preschools in the state of Georgia. New data is suggesting that small children are not the Super-Carriers. However, there is still a great deal we don’t know, and while your children may be very healthy, they may be in a class with a student who has medical conditions or a staff member who is considered “at-risk.” Until we know more, we will continue to be cautious.
  • What is the tipping point where school would be closed for everyone? Percentage of COVID cases within the school? Percentage of statewide or countywide infection?
    Our current situation is still very fluid, and things change every day. While we will continue to make the best decisions for our preschool, there are a few things that would cause us to close immediately. If we are ordered by the Governor or Dekalb county to shelter in place again, we must comply. Everything else is scenario-driven, and we will do what is best for our staff and preschool families.
  • Will there be a virtual-only option if a shutdown is required?
    We do not anticipate another shutdown at this time, however, virtual learning will occur if we do have a government shutdown. This will include the following but may be limited due to age of class: Full content of the curriculum delivered weekly. Live calls with the class, as appropriate, by class. Live streaming circle time Videos from teachers to watch at your family’s convenience Weekly videos from specials teachers Packets of worksheets, crafts, etc., created for pick up or delivery every 1-2 weeks If you decide to opt-out of virtual learning and leave the program, you will have to re-register your child when we reopen.
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